Nerve Treatments

Proudly serving Charlottesville, VA and surrounding areas

Teenage Woman Smiling Big After Nerve Treatments

Saving a decayed or injured tooth is important to a child’s speech development, chewing, and alignment of permanent teeth. When pulp tissue – the nerves, tissue, and blood vessels in the core of a primary or permanent tooth – becomes diseased, some or all of the pulp may need to be removed. This procedure is known as children’s root canal therapy or pulp therapy.

  • Pulpotomy. If the disease has not gone into the root, the diseased pulp is removed and the remaining pulp is filled with an antibacterial agent.
  • Pulpectomy. When the pulp is diseased into the root canal, the entire pulp is removed and the roots are cleaned.

Stainless steel or natural-colored crown is placed on the treated tooth to provide structural support. 

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Nerve Treatments Near Me

If the doctor determines that pulp therapy is the best treatment option for the affected tooth, Top Tooth Pediatric + Teen Dentistry can perform the therapy in our Charlottesville, VA, office. Call us at (434) 817-KIDS and schedule your child's dental appointment today!

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