The Advantages of Dental Fillings for Children

Having a healthy set of teeth is linked to maintaining a healthy body overall. Unfortunately, children commonly experience dental problems like cavities due to things like snacking, sugary drinks, and improper brushing.

When children get cavities, it's important that they receive a dental filling as soon as possible to prevent further issues. At Top Tooth Pediatrics in Charlottesville, VA, we are committed to providing children with the best oral health.

If you've been searching online for "dental fillings near me," read on to learn what dental fillings are and the benefits of fillings for your child.

What Are Dental Fillings?

A dental filling is a procedure that is designed to address small areas of decay, called cavities, in the tooth. If your child has a cavity, the decayed tooth tissue must be removed. The hole created by this removal is then filled with a special material.

Fillings are effective and long-lasting. Most fillings typically last for about 10 years. However, certain habits can affect the lifespan of your child's filling. Things like eating and oral habits, decay around the tooth, injury, and grinding your teeth can affect how long it lasts.

Benefits of Dental Fillings for Children

Fillings prevent further cavities from developing. They seal tiny holes in the tooth to keep harmful bacteria and plaque out.

Another benefit of fillings is that they can be used for more than just repairing cavities. If your child accidentally chips or cracks their tooth, a filling may be an effective way to fix it, depending on the location and size.

Some filling materials also enhance fluoride. Fluoride creates a chemical bond with tooth enamel that protects damaged teeth from further decay. Fluoride-enhanced fillings are an excellent option for children who are experiencing decay below the gumline.

Fillings also help prevent infection. When cavities are left untreated, they get larger and can go into deeper layers of the teeth. This will require more substantial procedures to treat, such as a root canal or tooth extraction.

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Dental Fillings Near Me: Top Tooth Pediatric

At Top Tooth Pediatric, Dr. Bobby Lunka and Dr. Kathryn Cook are here to provide comprehensive dentistry for children and teens. If you've been looking for "dental fillings near me," you've come to the right place.

Most people believe that permanent teeth are the only teeth that need fillings. But even primary teeth benefit from them. Primary teeth play a vital role in your child's ability to chew food, develop strong jaw muscles, speak properly, and maintain proper spacing for permanent teeth.

If you would like to learn more about dental fillings or you're ready to schedule an appointment, contact us today to get started.

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